Is tempeh safe for children to eat?
Yes, tempeh is suitable for anyone who can handle solid food. Especially for growing children, getting sufficient protein is important.
What is a starter culture?
A starter culture is a combination of fungi and bacteria used in the production of food. In addition to tempeh, coffee, cheese, yoghurt, beer, and tea are also made with a starter culture.
What is in your tempeh?
The basic ingredient of tempeh is soy or another legume. Here we add a starter culture. The starter culture comes from the Netherlands and is the only ingredient we do not buy locally. We also add vinegar and enrich all our tempeh with iron and vitamin B12.
How do you guarantee quality in all the different locations?
We have a fixed tempeh production procedure that applies to all locations. We also have an entry and exit control: we select raw materials on entry and check the finished product before it leaves our SFU. In addition to on-site checks, we also monitor the process from the Netherlands.
Where does your soy come from?
All the soy we use for our products is grown locally.